8th & Duval St. Parking Deck, Richmond, VA
CHANCE Pulldown Pile foundations were tested and installed to support the parking deck slab. With poor soils in on area and a 100-kip ultimate load, the product choice was A.B. CHANCE ss175 Helical Pulldown Micropiles using a galvanized helical lead with 8, 10, 12, and 14-inch helical plates welded on a 1.75-shaft.
- ASTM D1143 Quick Load Test to 125 kips
- No spoils
- Hydraulically-installed with no vibration or excessive noise
- CHANCE Material ISO 9001 Certified
- J.A. Walder, Inc. certified installer of A.B. CHANCE products
- (57) A.B. CHANCE Patented Helical Pulldown Micropile (SS175 - 1.75 Helical Pile with 5-inch pulldown grout column to 80 feet.)
Parking Deck was designed to be supported on caisson foundations at each column. Because one end of the project had very poor soils, the engineers decided to support the slab in that area on pile foundations.
Ronayne, Turner & Brown P.C. (Structural Engineer) worked with Schnabel Engineering (Geotechnical Engineer) on slab design.