National historic landmark rehabilitated with Helical Pulldown Micropiles in 3 days
The preservation and rehabilitation of the Robinson House will stabilize the structure, & reclaim interior spaces to evoke the buildings' historic past while re-purposing the spaces for a regional tourism center.
Stable Foundations installed 29 A B Chance SS1150 (8/10/12) leads with a 5" pulldown grout column. The helical piles torqued up between 21 and 28'.
The small construction site was perfect for a Helical Pile Foundation. Larger pile equipment would not have been feasible on such a small site and vibration was a major concern due to the age of the existing building.
Chance Distributor: Walder Foundation Products, Chance Installer: Stable Foundations, Project Engineer: Structural Engineering Concepts (Jonathan Smith), General Contractor: Howard Shockey & Sons, Inc., Glave & Holmes, Architect.
VMFA Renovation/Addition Robinson House
Helical Pulldown Micropile
- Structure built in the late 1820's
- 29 SS150 (8/10/20) leads were installed in 3 days
- Helical Piles were torqued up between 21 & 28"
- Small Contruction sites = very little vibration